Adoption Update: Coco
“We have always had dogs. We went a couple of years without one after our household situation changed and the house just didn’t feel the same.
We had rescued dogs before and felt it is the best gift we could give. We secretly stalked Coco on Facebook for a couple of weeks until we made the trip to Bridgewater on Mother’s Day to see him in person. We never imagined that he would be coming home with us that day, but we were so happy that he did. His sweet face was just irresistible.
Coco has made us so happy. He is just such a love. He is always happy! He wags his tail so fast that he actually smacks his sides with it. If you need someone to snuggle with, he is always willing. He watches over us and protects us from the many evil squirrels in the neighborhood. The vacuum still eludes him, but he is determined to get it one of these days. We can not imagine our lives without this beautiful pittie. We celebrate him every chance we get. We can’t imagine the life he had before he was ours, so we spoil him with love as all dogs should be. And in return we have his unconditional love.”